A new year?
I proudly present the first finished object in 2006!
This little creature's design is called 'Spherey' and can be found in Jess Hutch's booklet. I guess he would look a little bit better in solid colours. His cheerful smile however doesn't even fade when placed in snow. Tough little guy. And so cute!
Well... the only other human being he was exposed to so far called him Kinderschreck [which in my dictionary is translated with bugbear] and was seriously questioning my sense of responsibility: sending this off to a 6 months old baby. Pswah!
My reservations go however with the arms and legs made out of Knitpicks yarn. Not mashine washable - okay. But the fuzzyness!
Want to see my version of fuzzy feet?
After only wearing them 3-4 times. Wow. But it only matters if I look at them. They are still warm, soft and comfy.Otherwise, the year 2006 proceeds fast and I guess it will be a tumultuous one. This thing about new years resolutions.. I couldn't feel so much new the first days - as eating the leftover food and holding onto the remains of the New year's eve's wine bottle... However, in a calm moment I sat down and in the company of my smoking snowman spent time brooding about time and life. Uhh.. maybe that's a bit over the top.
Thus reflecting, I then realised that my last year probably has been the worst I ever had. Comes as a suprise? Well, of course this does not apply to the topic here, the blog and most of all the ever so cheerful, encouraging, supportive and funny knitting community. Thank you all!
So what's on the schedule for this year?
For knitting I hope to conquer some UFO's and the ability to keep to only a handful of projects. I also want to knit several larger pieces, but I am pretty sure that I will have problems fiinishing even one (remember Eris?)
Another dream of me is to pursue more excursions into other crafts. On the not so exciting but on the viable side is the improvement of my sewing skills. Then, I would like to experiment with fur/leather. I already have the fish skin (which I count as leather somehow). But I am thinking of sheep skin as well. Last December the commercial skin production was terminated out of profitability (IKEA's LUDDE is probably produced by children in the Far East already). I know a girl who does the tanning in an ecological way and I would be very interested to learn that.
And else..
- I will graduate this year and hope that for the first time I will be able to find a real full-time occupation that is neither just another job to finance studying nor one of the so-called traineeships (you know, playing working: having stress, sporting unlimited availibility and even responsibility for NO money - 'trainees in rage')
- I wish I would have the time to join an interactive online game like World of WarCraft or something alike. But before I regret having no time for it, there might be the possibility that I do not like it anyway - not being a PC gamer at all.
- I have to try to be not so afraid of life and remember that hesitation only costs my time.
- I would like to make a friend, who is less then 2380 km far away.
- I want to become a mother.
6 ummæli:
I'm loving your striped Spherey! And good luck with your wishes for the new year, especially finding new friends. That one sounds awfully familiar.
I've been reading your blog for about a month now - fascination with living so far north. I live in the mountains of Colorado and I know our forever winter can't match yours. Your hopes for 2006 were so thoughtful and touching. I wish you all the best! You must be a strong, amazing person! (My little girl just asked me to knit Spherey today - maybe we'll pick colors tomorrow)
Your contest was such fun. i wish i would have entered. Nothing too terribly tacky seen, although I was certainly on the lookout. I personally love the canoe santa. Where was it photographed?
I hope you become a mother this year. hmmmmm, fertility good luck charms....must think of some for you....
Spherey is cool! It's not a Kinderschreck at all (says the person who knitted a dyke (because she's wearing boy's colors) cat for her nephew)!
Have fun practising to become a mother ;-))
Hi! I'm a lurker, I found you from The Blue Blog, but I'm coming out of the shadows today to say "hi!" and add a comment or two. First, I think the little guy that you knitted is adorable! I would have no reservations giving that away to a baby, they'll love it! The only thing I might be worried about with it not being machine washable is that the arms and legs are perfect chew toys - mmmmm baby slobber!
Also, being a World of Warcraft junkie myself, I gotta give a friendly knitter warning --- your knitting will sit lonely in the corner if you invest in the game! It's the most rewarding, entertaining, and *addicting* game imaginable (5+ hours in front of the computer is not unusual at all) so if you start playing, be aware that it's like cocaine for gamers :-) I know from personal experience that when I was so excited about having a month long vacation for Christmas break (perfect knitting time, right?) I barely worked on any knitting at all because of that blasted game.
Here's to a fabulous 2006. I hope that you are able to achieve all of your goals. I really enjoy reading your blog, and I wish you the best of luck!
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