What's been going on over here?
Okay, France? Been there.
Sockapalooza socks? Done.
Waving lace socks. They will get their own post eventually!What kept me from posting so long? Well, for once, the little ones.
Please, meet
Herr Kohl and
Frau Merkel! Apparently, when it comes to cat names, we do stick to the German politicians over here.
They are incredibly cute but also extremely lively. But then, it is not possible to take a picture of them, of course! Everybody keeps reassuring me that they calm down sooner than later. We'll see. Just this week, they started to calm down a little.
It's a shame, however, that cat life still has to happen indoors. We experienced the most beautiful weather imaginable (Icelandic standards). There has been sunshine for almost four weeks, with temperatures blasting the thermometers. Well, the ones with a scale up to 20°C/68F anyway. Thus, we spend every minute outside, not to miss a single ray of sunshine (imagine, being able to invite friends for a barbeque days ahead AND staying outside in t-shirts until almost midnight!)
The sparse time spent indoors was exclusively dedicated to the kittens. It is impossible to pet them both and operate the computer. They do make sure that they get full attention, I assure you. I have the feeling they already learned the trick, my childhood cat was playing on us. Throwing things down. First, letters/papers/bills. Those papers ususally just reminded you that the cat is somewhere around. Then he forced the key down the commode onto the tilings. It would be hard to pretend, you didn't hear that. If none of us wouldn't move to play with him, he would veeerrryy carefully push my parent's reading glasses (or any other fragile object) near the edge of the commode until somebody is forced to jump. So very clever.
Between all the sunbathing (just enough to get a sunburn but definitely not enough to charge my solar cells to survive the Icelandic winter) and pretending to be a cat toy, I also got my invitation for ravelry. Woohooo! Indeed, excellent news, if my unread posts in blogline wouldn't have hit the four-digit mark meanwhile.
ravelry seriously rocks! I am so looking forward to having the time to
really have a look around and use everything what's there. The needle size tool? Ingenius! Also, I have to take pictures of my stash...
No, just kidding... But, I did mention, I would start a new job, right? What I didn't tell was that it would involve yarn! The job is nothing exciting, but I think, my lunch break view is ;-) Don't you?
Loadzz of Icelandic plötulopi!
Soooo.. to round up this short and hasty update I can also announce a technical one. You all know that blogger sucks when it comes to comments. Well, sometimes, it's just lazy old me but sometimes it's the software's fault, I swear!
I have heard that
Haloscan works really well with the new blogger software and I am going to try that now.
However... if you don't hear anything from me even now, I do have another excuse: I'm off to a week holidays in the beautiful Icelandic country side. Right, go on holidays, when the weather begins to turns nasty again. Take your tent and join an open-air event..
Maybe, I will be able to grab a copy on the way!
(Crazy enough, there was a Harry Potter 7 release outside the book store waiting party (video link). When I was passing it today, I was surprised to see that the majority of the waiting paople were boys in there late teens. Of course, they have to be older here to be able to read English. But in my imagination, I was expecting 10-12yo girls and, well, "mature" knitters ;-))But most likely, I will not - so DON'T TELL ME!
Okay, I'm off!
Thank you so much for still reading here!