fimmtudagur, nóvember 02, 2006

Who is wearing socks anyway?

Has it been quite here again? Yes? Too quite?
That's why.

partially torn ligament
Someone does not mind me not washing my foot for some days now.
Or wait, does it smell like fish already?

No, I don't type with my right foot but...
That's a partially torn ligament (Everybody assures me that's the best that could happen compared to a fully torn ligament or a simple ligamental strain. Please keep quite on this one because in my opinion, the best would have been, not to twist my ankle in the first place!)
It has been responsible for hours and hours spent in hospital, at doctors and on the phone, trying to be on (paid) sick-leave, and, yes, resting my ankle while observing the invasion of dust bunnies and mysterious multiplication of dirty dishes.

It feels somehow nice though having official approval to spend the days lying on the sofa. I just wish there would be more time for knitting. But there isn't. The pile of reading material is higher than would be healthy resting my foot on.
However, feeling so bad about my Socktober record, I had to cast on for some mindless- knitting-while-reading socks. As so many things take the wrong turn in my life these days, so does this sock.
rpm sock in STR
See, beautiful Socks That Rock yarn in the colourway Scottish Highlands*.
Which is very appropriate because of the weather here, momentarily changing from mild autumn sun to heavy dark rainfalls faster as you can say Socks That Rock in Scottish Highland. Or faster than you can spell p-o-o-l-i-n-g! And the pattern (rpm,, although simple, demands for some serious counting. Well... Plan B is therefore the challenge to follow one of the most difficult books I ever read (Tolkien's Silmarillion) in audiobook format and knit (and count, and curse).
Anybody perked up his or her ears when I said Tolkien? Great, because last time it was so very, very helpful to have people commenting on my study work. This time it's a Tolkien seminar and my main concern is an essay on "The Evil of Saruman". You are so very welcome to share your thoughts!

*I really love this yarn, even hand-winding it into skeins. But I was not too happy to find a knot in the hank, hence the small ball in front.

8 ummæli:

Ashley sagði...

Oh no! your poor ligament. I hope it heals quickly.

As for Saruman...all I have to offer is that, well, he's evil! (See what a deep thinker I am??)

Nafnlaus sagði...

SO sorry to hear about your poor ankle. It's good that you've got reading and knitting to keep you busy...and WOW! I LOVE that Scottish Highlands!

Theresa sagði...

Feel better soon - and those socks will all be worth it in that gorgeous yarn!

Unknown sagði...

So sorry about your foot! But love your STR socks!

Nafnlaus sagði...

Get better soon!

Rebecca sagði...

I have never made it through the Silmarillion (although the last time I tried I was probably 14 or something). Maybe I'll have to find an audiobook of it too.

That is a very interesting study topic!

Nafnlaus sagði...


I'm so sorry to hear about your foot. I hope it heals quickly so that you can be out and about again soon!

The socklady sagði...

Scottish Highlands STR is gorgeous, will have to watch for some in my travels this spring. To far to drive to a yarn shop this time of year.